'My Google': Oh My!

My Google is here. Though that's not the official name, that's what the new home page personalization features seem to amount to. While the move is not a tremendous surprise -- we speculated about My Google when Google News personalization…

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NYTimes to Charge for Content

The Gray Lady will introduce "TimesSelect" in September. TimesSelect will require users to pay $49.95 annually to get access to "Op-Ed and news columnists on NYTimes.com, easy and in-depth access to The Times's online archives, early access to select articles…

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Mom's Day Online Spending Drivers

VeriSign, the e-commerce infrastructure provider, announced that Mother's Day-related spending hit US$4.4 billion this year, during the period from April 25 through May 8. That represented a 24% increase over Mother's Day 2004. I didn't see a detailed category breakdown…

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Google Around the Globe

Google CEO Eric Schmidt told shareholders in Google's first annual meeting that the company would focus on developing overseas markets, where growth is outstripping the U.S. Approximately 66% of Google revenues are generated from U.S.-based advertisers. Currently, most of its…

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