Professional Services SMBs are Heavy Users of Social Media
Professional Services SMBs* use social and digital channels the most for advertising. Professional Services SMBs most popular social media channel is LinkedIn, according to Wave 18 of our Local Commerce Monitor? survey of small and medium-sized businesses. They are the only vertical that did not use Facebook at the highest rate and as you can see in the chart below, a Facebook page ranked second, followed by a website, email marketing, and Twitter. Traditional media still has its place with SMBs in the Professional Services vertical — print yellow pages, direct mail, and giveaways made the list of Top 10 Most popular media used.
Not only are SMBs in the Professional Services vertical heavy users of Social Media for advertising and promotion, they are highly engaged on social media, according to LCM. 3/4 reported that they track “likes” in social media, while 57.4% monitor customer comments online.
There is a big opportunity with this group to offer CRM solutions because Professional Services SMBs stay connected with their customers but only 20% say they use a CRM system. 88.0% have maintained a customer list for a year or more, while an additional 6.4% have maintained a customer list for less than a year.
The full report can be viewed and downloaded by clients of BIA/Kelsey here. This report is one of a series of drill-down reports on the findings from Wave 18 of BIA/Kelsey’s Local Commerce Monitor? survey. In the coming weeks we will be looking at SMBs by additional vertical categories. Our Home and Trade Services SMB report is already available. To learn more about our LCM survey of small and medium-sized businesses, click here.
Click here to purchase the Professional Services SMBs — LCM Wave 18. To purchase any of our other Local Commerce Monitor drill-down reports, check out our new BIA/Kelsey Shop.
*Professional Services vertical includes consulting, legal, architecture, and computer software. Financial Services SMBs are not included, but will be profiled in their own vertical report.