At ILM 2014: The Day 1 Tweetrospective
Some of the core themes today on Day 1 at Leading in Local: Interactive Local Media in San Francisco were evident in the even’t robust Twitter feed. The sharing economy (and its cousin the “1099 economy”), the growth of video, the emergence of native and programmatic, and the urgency to transform were all front and center.
Here is a sample of some of the top Day 1 tweets.
Just because anyone can make a #video, doesn’t mean that they should.” #quality #SMB @brussell8898 #leadinginlocal @BIAKelsey
— Brandon Erlacher @bserlacher
Discussing how to measure the value of an #SMB video. #biakelsey conference. Great question. Important as it’s growing fast” #leadinginlocal
— Ricardo Sandoval @FreyreSandoval
Video is an accelerant or multiplier for other bundled components.” Gary Cowan, DataSphere #leadinginlocal
— Peter Krasilovsky @LocalOnliner
Question for the rest of the legacy YP world: How are you going to compete with a Google-esque revitalized YP? #leadinginlocal
— Abid Chaudhry @abidc
SMBs still need help. DIFM + DIWM is better than DIY#leadinginlocal @BIAKesley @AllisonChecchi
— Agathe Foussat @AgatheFoussat
The broad market trend is a higher % of people move to #DIFM every year.@arodtheduck @HomeDepot #leadinginlocal @BIAKelsey
— Brandon Erlacher @bserlacher
“Lead gen is a middleman, a pass thru. We do not view ourselves that way at all.” @mlz @thumbtack #leadinginlocal @BIAKelsey
— Brandon Erlacher @bserlacher
#leadinginlocal “Micro-entrepreneurs” in the 1099 economy will include babysitters, dog walkers, many niches.
— godsdog @godsdog
Reality is, consumers buy same stuff week after week. You don’t buy a refrigerator via mobile.” @joeltoledano @BIAKelsey #leadinginlocal
— Brandon Erlacher @bserlacher
You can not transform your business by doing a little bit of this or a little bit of that. @ClarkGilbert #leadinginlocal @BIAKelsey
— Brandon Erlacher @bserlacher
Social Media: “Publish awesome. Bad or uninterseting content will erode audience trust” #leadinginlocal #socialmedia @BIAKesley
— Agathe Foussat @AgatheFoussat
#leadinginlocal In 3 years, “the next new thing” will be new again. People, teams with innovation skills win. Don’t get stuck w/ old ideas
— godsdog @godsdog
0% is the amount of time the digital sales team thinks about traditional media. @ClarkGilbert #leadinginlocal
— Stacey Sedbrook @staceysedbrook
Only 9% of established firms ever grow again from their peak after disruption.@ClarkGilbert #leadinginlocal @BIAKelsey
— Brandon Erlacher @bserlacher
#leadinginlocal Deseret News: The print “local maximum” keeps goals focused on old media. You must be prepared to give up sales for growth.
— godsdog @godsdog
If your digital revenue is still in the teens you need sales transformation” – @ClarkGilbert. #leadinginlocal
— Stacey Sedbrook @staceysedbrook
Regardless of idea, CEO must be the evangelist. If there is not a good team, not for this VC portfolio. -Hsu @BIAKelsey #leadinginlocal
— Brandon Erlacher @bserlacher
#leadinginlocal“Social is a way to get an end run around search,” William Hsu.. “It has brought discovery back into the digital world.”
— godsdog @godsdog
Social Media has gone mainstream for SMB (31% uses LinkedIn as a HR department) @BIAKesley #leadinginlocal
— Agathe Foussat @AgatheFoussat
Location based advertising makes it possible to sell mobile to SMBs@staceysedbrook @BIAKelsey #leadinginlocal
— Charles Laughlin @claughlin2