Analyst Roundtable: Apple Rumors Galore
What will apple announce next week? All eyes are on the tech giant as we get closer to its 9/09 press event. As we wrote last week, we’ll probably see an iPhone 6 in larger sizes. Other Rumors point to NFC and a possible smart watch..
Charles Laughin and I sat down on Friday to discuss the product rumors and more importantly, what they mean for the local media ecosystem (video below). One takeaway is that a larger screen iPhone will mean more ad inventory/real estate.
But it also goes deeper as we discuss. In the age of social sharing, tools like Instagram and Vine — increasingly being adopted by brands for content marketing and native ads — are fueled by better hardware like optics and screen size.
So advertisers of all sizes should be adaptable for ad formats that continue to develop as they follow behind the technology and the user behavior. In this case, larger screens will create a supportive environment for more multimedia based content marketing.
Of course larger screens are nothing new and this is one case where Apple is following rather than leading, considering the larger screens prevalent in the SamDroid realm. But given the iPhone’s share of mobile traffic and ad inventory, anything it does will be impactful.
Our discussion is below and stay tuned for more.