Constant Contact Launches Innovation Incubator
Innovation is a buzz word high on the radar of every technology company, and that includes those in the local online ecosystem. Constant Contact has a dedicated 15-member team working to foster innovation internally and is now expanding its initiative through the launch of the Small Business Innovation Loft (SMB InnoLoft).
The SMB InnoLoft will house a new small businesses innovation program designed to support entrepreneurs as they solve problems for small businesses through the development of new products, features and services. As a part of the program, startups will receive residence at the new SMB InnoLoft center at the Constant Contact headquarters. While here, they will be mentored by Constant Contact experts as well as investors to help build their early-stage solutions.
According to Andy Miller, Constant Contact’s Chief Innovation Architect, any startup focused on small business solutions can apply to the program, particularly those looking for tighter product-market fit to expand their business. “This program is not meant to be self-serving,” Miller said. “We don’t want to only bring in SMBs that benefit Constant Contact, they do not have to do integration with Constant Contact. The idea is that working side-by-side, we’re confident that our internal team and the Small Business Innovation program participants will learn from each other and collaborate to drive innovation that benefits small businesses everywhere.”
In addition to the office space, participants will receive access to groups of small businesses that have opted in to trying new offerings, $10,000 to spend on marketing activities, and priority access and support from Constant Contact’s AppConnect integration team. The program is four months long and scheduled to begin in the summer.