Q&A: How Mobile Dev Environment Is Taking Form

I recently got a question from a colleague. The answer relates closely to the “Mobile Starting Line” panel we had at the recent DMS conference, and other market happenings.

See the thread below. As blogs are increasingly becoming a place to reproduce Quora threads, this is in the spirit of sharing one quick exchange, though in this case it’s verbatim from email.

There’s a lot more to it but it’s a basic look at where some of the biggest players sit and the development environments they’re pushing in what is becoming known as the “platform wars.”

But buried in here is a choice many smaller publishers and app developers face when vetting platforms. Continue the dialogue in the comments if this is helpful or if more questions arise.

Q: What mobile search apps does Google offer? Their recent press says they are focused on Web enabled sites and search and not apps.

A: Yes. That’s at the heart of the “apps vs. mobile Web” wars. Apple wants an app centric world because they get 30 percent of app sales. Google wants a mobile Web world because people rely more on search when they are in a Web context.

To answer your question, most of their apps are “Web apps,” which are basically an app wrapper around a mobile website (basically a glorified bookmark that looks like an app on your iPhone or Android home screen). That counts as mobile Web though — not an app.

Here’s more explanation.

On the sidelines is Facebook, which hasn’t thrown its weight around but it will. It’s on Google’s side and wants a mobile Web world. But it wants that for a slightly different reason than Google: It doesn’t want to be controlled by Apple’s app store approval process and rev share (see rumored project Spartan).

Mike Boland

Mike Boland is an analyst with the Kelsey Group.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. android development

    Actually some company also offers mobile push ads.

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