I just got finished watching KPCB’s Mary Meeker give her semi-annual data dump at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco. As always, it was quite comprehensive and quite good.
And as in the past, much of it focused on mobile connectivity, device sales and the overall marketplace disruption we’re seeing come out of the mobile sector.
“We’re in the middle of one of those once in every 10-20 year shifts,” she said. “Mobile connectivity is at the center of that, and mobile devices just nearly outshipped PCs.”
Being somewhere between a few of my own presentations, I’ll give a few highlights and save the rest for later. Indeed, these slides will be a key part of lots of presentations you’ll see in the coming months.
Below are a selection of the mobile slides (only about 10 of the 70 total slides she showed). Most of them are after the break, to save room. And the entire presentation is available on Scribd.