Executives from two well-known brands talked about how they are attacking local, social and mobile in the panel, National Advertisers and Local Search.
Moderator Andrew Shotland walked the two marketing execs through a series of questions aimed at understanding how these companies are using new media options to support their brands and drive leads.
The panelists are:
Elnora Palms, director, local search initiative, U-Haul
Matthew Marko, marketing process manager, Progressive Insurance
Both companies work with large networks of dealers or independent agents, which means accurate data about their locations is a constant challenge.
Here are a few highlights from the dialogue:
How should vendors approach you?
Elnora Palms: “Come prepared. Have an understanding of what we are trying to accomplish. Know we are more than moving trucks. That allows us to say this is a business that seriously wants to partner because they have done the legwork.”
This year, where are you prioritizing your online marketing efforts?
EP: “We manage data in-house. We have centralized all listing and data management. Once data is clean, then we are in a position to look at ad words, getting ourselves out there, but accurately. That was the objective this year. Now partnering to make sure we are managing where we are listed. Our objective this year is a good selection of partners.”