Our Conference Check-In App Is Ready to Roll

ScreenHunter_06 Mar. 20 18.55

Last week we mentioned that DoubleDutch built us a custom check-in app for ILM East. After a weekend building badges in photoshop, I’m happy to say that the app is conference ready.

All the awards, badges and offers are outlined below. They’re admittedly similar to Foursquare’s style, but this is our first crack at it and it will evolve to take a voice of its own.

The idea is also to complement Foursquare by going deeper into one time-specific event. We have different conference areas, rooms and even sessions to check into.

Activity can be shared via Facebook and Twitter, and used as a conduit to connect with friends and associates around the conference. And, of course, real offers and rewards are on the table (see below).

The app will also live on after ILM East. We’ve constructed and branded it to adapt to our future conferences. So there’s no worry of yet another event-specific app that languishes in your app library.

So download it and check in early and often. We have all the sessions loaded up and I’ve established places around the conference grounds to check in to.

This joins our longstanding BIA/Kelsey app where you can see the conference agenda and blog coverage from inside and outside the conference walls. Download them both and let us know what you think.

And if you’re a Foursquare user, naturally keep using it to check in to the hotel, conference and all the cool stuff around downtown Boston.

BIA/KelseyIN Badges:

ilmeastILM East: Simply check in to the conference once

superstarSuperstar: Check in to the conference a certain number of times

diehardDiehard: Check in to any day-3 session

conferencelushLush: Check in to the hotel bar a certain number of times

earlyriserEarly Riser: Check in to the earliest sessions

cluetrainGetaClue: Check in to “Cluetrain Manifesto” Author David Weinberger’s day-1 keynote

foursquareFoursquare Fan: Check in to Foursquare GM Evan Cohen’s day-1 keynote

mobile mavenMobile Maven: Check in to any of the day-2 mobile sessions

BlogBlog Fan: Check in to the BIA/Kelsey Blog

expomaniacExpomaniac: Check in to the expo hall a certain number of times

mikebolandMike B: Check in to any of Mike Boland’s sessions

peterkPeter K: Check in to any of Peter Krasilovsky’s sessions


$500 Conference Credit: Be the top point scorer by the end of the conference and get a $500 credit toward a future conference. Points earned by unlocking badges and checking in to sessions and venues throughout the show.*

Free BIA/Kelsey report: Unlock the “Superstar” badge and show to Mike Boland to get a BIA/Kelsey Advisory of your choice.

Mobile Forecast: Unlock the “Mobile Maven” badge by checking in to the day-2 Mobile SuperForum. First 5 to show to Mike Boland get a free copy of BIA/Kelsey’s mobile ad forecast.

Free Daily Deals Forecast: Unlock the “Diehard” badge by checking in to any day-3 session. Show to Mike Boland to get a free copy of BIA/Kelsey’s Daily Deals market forecast.

BIA/Kelsey Briefing: Unlock the “Mike B” badge by checking in to one of his sessions. First 3 to show him the badge get a product or strategy briefing with a BIA/Kelsey analyst.

Peter K: Unlock the “Peter K” badge by checking in to one of his sessions. Show it to Peter and get a free piggy back ride.

* We reserve the right to withhold rewards if our analytics indicate users have attempted to game the system (i.e. fake check-ins)

Mike Boland

Mike Boland is an analyst with the Kelsey Group.

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