Scoble at Inman: Location Represents 'Third Movement' of Info
Blog king Robert Scoble, during a presentation at Inman Real Estate Connect today in San Francisco, said we’ve entered “the third movement of information” during the Internet era. All are necessary to boost appearances on Google, he told the real estate oriented audience. In 1998 we saw the introduction of the blog, he noted. In 2006 we saw the introduction of Facebook Fan Pages. Now we have Foursquare.
Location-based services go well beyond who’s mayor of a location, although that is very important, Scoble noted. Already, location-based services and mobile are easily integrated into people’s urban lives. Scoble listed a wide range of LBS-infused services that he theoretically uses on a daily basis, including Glimpse, Trapster, Google Maps, Plancast, Goby, Google Earth, Gowalla, WHURR, TripIt, Craigslist and Taxi Magic.
Очень познавательная история о женщине ислам для которой стал основой жизни. Много полезной информации и материалов.