Mobile Takes Center Stage at Google Search Event

In addition to "real time search," discussed in the previous post, Google today announced new mobile products. These include improved voice search technology, product search, and a mobile visual search product called "Goggles." Google VP of Engineering Vic Gundotra prefaced…

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Twitter Added to Citysearch SMB Profiles

Citysearch today became the first SMB site to integrate Twitter functionality into its claimed SMB profiles. The move complements earlier efforts to integrate the SMB profiles with Facebook and consumer social media options. Citysearch SVP of publishing Kara Nortman tells…

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Augmented Reality: Getting Closer

We've written about augmented reality a few times but have mostly dismissed it as "blue sky." Though there's quite a long way for the technology and business models to go, it's still one of the cooler areas of mobile app…

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Facebook Ends Regional Classifications

Facebook has ended the classification of its members into regional networks (i.e., "Peter Krasilovsky, San Diego"). It cited the practice as being invasive to people’s privacy and obsolete besides, given its behind-the-scene geotargeting and demo-targeting capabilities. In an open letter…

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Social Media Marketing on the Rise

UMass Dartmouth's Center for Marketing Research has released its annual study of social media marketing, showing that a whopping 91 percent of firms use at least one social media tool. This is up from 57 percent two years ago. One…

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