Wambolt Leaves YPG

Scott Wambolt has left his job as Yellow Pages Group’s senior vice president of sales, citing a desire to “pursue other career opportunities.” According to the press release announcing Wambolt’s departure, YPG will move to a flatter sales organization with the three current regional sales vice presidents — Paul Batchelor, David Toms and Paul Lalonde — reporting directly to Marc Tellier, president and chief executive officer.

Wambolt joined YPG in 2003. Unlike many sales leaders in the industry, he did not come up through the ranks carrying a bag. Before joining YPG, Wambolt spent eight years at Dell Computer Corp., including a position as general manager of the Home and Small Business division.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. NP

    Seems like Marc Tellier might have decided to take a bit more active role in the local sales.

  2. Elizabeth Gage

    It is definitely a loss that Scott Wambolt has decided to leave YPG but he had been there for five years and that is a long run. Fresh eyes from outside the industry was an advantage. He had the gift of clarity and this talent enabled him to provide immediate solutions to very complex issues. I can not recommend him too strongly other than to say he was someone I grew to count on because he quite simply just understood. Regarding the new picture, I guess we will know very soon whether YPG will slip back into the old monopoly mindset.

  3. ian

    Good luck to YPG without him, big loss, that guy was great!

  4. charles

    MPT ego gone wild?

  5. ED

    FYI, looks like he was plucked out of YPG and into Bell as SVP, Bell Mobility by the same private
    equity player that was behind the YPG turn around. They are called smart money for a reason.

  6. Elizabeth Gage

    Regarding 4. it is an interesting question. There have been many talented people reporting to the senior level that have left YPG. The stock this Dec hit the 5 mark down from the 14 mark the previous year. I don’t know too much but I do know that good leaders are unselfish, supportive and know how to touch people in a way that inspires them. They also know that the greatest asset a company has is its people and they make time to meet with customers and employees to hear their issues or concerns. A great leader leaves a watermark on the souls they touch, and business around them grows. It is the law of the universe that what goes around comes around. The Australian team have demonstrated the value of good leadership and how this translates into revenue and growth.

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