See You at ILM:07 — or on Facebook

ILM:07 kicks off next week and we’re all excited and busy with the run-up activities to the show. If you are attending, comment below if you’d like to meet up. Otherwise do your best to tackle us at the show, as we walk by.

It promises to be a great show, with quite a lineup that Peter Krasilovsky has put together (see his ongoing speaker updates here). The SES folks have likewise done a bang-up job programming tactical local search sessions, and we’re excited to be cohosting a show with them for the first time.

For anyone blogging about the show, be sure to tag your posts with “ILM:07″ and we’ll do our best to scrape and aggregate these posts here. Also check out (and join) the newly minted TKG Facebook group.

For those celebrating Thanksgiving, have a great holiday. We hope to see you next week.

Mike Boland

Mike Boland is an analyst with the Kelsey Group.

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