Local Matters Gains Momentum
News from World Directories that the company has chosen Local Matters to power its local search platform. This is a particularly interesting win for Perry Evans and team as it presumably beat out competitors Platefood — a collaboration of Sensis and FAST — and most likely Amdocs. For Local Matters this news should bolster its efforts to go public. It also suggests that Andrew Day and team have moved beyond their Sensis experience by not selecting either Platefood or Amdocs. The win for Local Matters should give the company additional momentum in lining up other directory and local search players in the European and North American markets.
Local Matters has not ’beat out’ Platefood. These are two different offerings in the market. Platefood’s software (called platefood Performance) is sold under licence to media companies for the serving of performance based ads. It is in essence ’google-in-a-box’.