Right Media Exchange Launches

Right Media yesterday launched the Right Media Exchange. We were briefed a couple of weeks ago on the new service, which will be an open media exchange where advertisers and ad networks can bid on ad inventory. Publishers can likewise use it as a channel to push unused inventory. Think of it as a stock market exchange for media.

Among other benefits, the service provides transparency between buyers and sellers of media about what is available and how much it is worth. It also creates a more direct path between the buyer and the seller.

The site will gain value as more advertisers, publishers and ad networks sign on. For now it shows promise. The exchange pre-launch has been quietly building a base of about 50 ad networks that represent 2,900 advertisers and 7,900 publishers.

Those are good numbers coming out of the gate. We’ll see how they grow, and how the exchange’s value proposition resonates in the media buying marketplace.

Mike Boland

Mike Boland is an analyst with the Kelsey Group.

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