Interchange for Sale?
According to this Reuters article:
Interchange Corp., owner of search engine, said on Tuesday that it has retained investment banking firm Merriman Curhan Ford & Co. to assist in reviewing strategic alternatives available to the company in connection with its national search business.
The article says "national" search business — not local. We’ll investigate.
Getting rid of ePilot is smart. It is a drain on the bottom line and takes away from their focus on
Their U.K. site has been showing off and on for the last two weeks as they prepare for it’s formal release. The CEO mentioned the upcoming release in the last earnings CC.
I find it interesting that epilot ads are no longer on (at least I can’t fin them for my terms and in my areas). When did the switch to yahoo/over ads?
Have you noticed the overture ads not only include the advertising business url but also a "View Local Info" link? That link takes you to a framed page with the Yahoo Local Profile at the top and the business website at the bottom.