Keyhole Now Live on Google Maps

Tonight Google integrated Keyhole into Google Maps. Here's The Kelsey Group's corporate offices. This is a companion view; Google's high-resolution graphical mapping is still the default. Keyhole integration into Google Maps has been expected since the company was acquired late…

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YBR Sale Gets Green Light

An article yesterday on reported that European antitrust regulators have given the nod to the acquisition of Yellow Brick Road by an international private equity consortium. YBR is a holding comany that includes Fonecta (Finland), Mediatel (Austria and Czech…

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CNet for Sale?

The Internet Stock Blog exposes (via the NY Post) the rumor and speculates as to why. Will another traditional media company or newspaper publish gobble up this online brand (like MarketWatch, About and Shopzilla)? Or will it be, as mentioned…

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More Maps Mania

Google Maps has proven extremely popular and now the company is encouraging developers to run with it (a la Housingmaps). The company has formally launched an API. One day later Yahoo! launched its own Maps API. Here are a couple…

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Play It Again, Sam?

Specifically, digital radio can offer listeners very high-quality sound and allow stations to split their signals to increase channels. The problem is the conversion is expensive, perhaps $100,000 per radio station, and only listeners who have digital receivers will notice…

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