Google Local, Maps on Phones

Preparing for a day when there is meaningful usage of wireless devices as local search tools, Google has launched Google Local for phones. Maps are the centerpiece. It currently works on "Java-enabled (J2ME) mobile phones, especially those purchased within the…

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Faster and Faster

I was talking with one of the Yahoo! PR/corp comm people at AD:TECH about how everything seems to be accelerating. And recently another person from Yahoo! said he hoped things would slow down a bit so he could relax a…

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TPI Buys Argentine Publisher

The Spanish publisher Telef³nica Publicidad e Informaci³n (TPI) has expanded its presence in South America with the acquisition of Telinver, Argentina's largest directory publisher. The enterprise value of the deal was US$74 million. TPI already owns the market leaders in…

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Google Travel?

Google is apparently testing travel. Here's Reuters' write-up. I'm on a break from a private equity conference and on a PAINFULLY slow connection, so I can't check it out right now. Per Search Engine Watch, here's an example of a…

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AskMeNow: A Cheaper, Hipper DA

Not unlike PocketThis (voice/DA in, SMS/Wap out) AskMeNow is a new, more useful version of current directory assistance. The fully automated service is free (like 1-800-Free411), and the "AskMeAnything" service costs US$.49 per call: Within seconds you can get 411…

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What's in a Name?

In the past, RHD has described itself as €œa leading Yellow Pages publisher and directional media company.€ That was the term used in the press release for both Dex and RHD. However, the current earnings announcement describes RHD as €œa…

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Man vs. Machine

Here's an interesting article from Sunday's N.Y. Times about Yahoo! and its long-term search strategy. I was at Yahoo! on Friday talking to Local GM Paul Levine about his just-added keynote at ILM:05. He and I discussed a range of…

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