A Senior Moment
In a separate item by David Carr, titled €œWhy You Should Pay to Read This,€ the author suggests that paid content is in real danger because youth expect information to be free. They are willing to pay for the distribution vehicles €" cable, broadband Internet and cellphones €" but not for the stuff that comes through them.
One of the conclusions that can be drawn from these two news items is that there will always be a market for print and other traditional media, no matter how cool the latest gadget (like videopods) may be. In addition to the nearly one-quarter of adults who are €œdisconnected,€ there are many others who are only semi-connected. Secondly, Yellow Pages, whether print or electronic, has always been free to the user. Directory assistance may be in danger but not classified advertising that brings buyers and sellers together.
Local search is most certainly going to have an impact on the Yellow Pages industry. But look for this media to outlast those that require payment for information.