Yahoo! Answers with More Features
I’m about to leave for the airport so I’ve only got a few more minutes to blog here . . .
Loren Baker at Search Engine Journal has written up some new features at Yahoo! answers, another component of the Yahoo! community/social search strategy. Here’s a description of the changes/upgrades from the Yahoo! Search Blog.
We blogged at length in the past about the local dimensions of Yahoo! Answers — a word of mouth/recommendations tool with obvious implications for the local market — here and here (don’t read this one; it has unfortunate formatting errors).
Of interest is the new distribution/marketing strategy being adopted that allows individuals to place a branded Yahoo! Answers module on a blog or website. There’s also toolbar integration, which helps "distribute" it further.
Also, answers used to "ping" answer-seekers via email, which was terribly awkward. Now you can set up an RSS feed to MyYahoo! or another news reader, which is a nice development.