Syndicated Data to Be Unveiled in January
The U.S. Yellow Pages industry is set to see its first batch of syndicated usage data in a number of years. Later this month, according to a press release issued today by SRI/Knowledge Networks, 2005 usage data for 45 U.S. markets will be released. The data is being branded the Yellow Pages Market Reporter.
According to KN/SRI, 10 directory publishers participated in the study in 2005, and so far 12 certified marketing representative companies have signed up to receive the data.
While 10 publishers doesn't sound like many, the 10 that are participating account for the lion's share of U.S. directory revenue.
TKG has watched the process unfold of rekindling syndicated usage research. The process has been difficult due to complex methodology issues and conflicting interests among the participants. TKG applauds this development and acknowledges the hard work required to take this initiative this far. The next challenges include keeping the process together for the long haul and adding the participation of more publishers. But for now it is worthwhile noting that the initiative has achieved at least initial success.
Here is what one blogger had to say about this development. I plan to give my take on the whole syndicated thing in next week's Local Media Journal.