Internet Video to Become Directional?
The Online Publishers Association (OPA) released a study that showed the ascendancy of video viewing online. Rich Media has generated tremendous buzz as an online branding vehicle and the findings of this survey would further confirm that.
The basics:
- 27,841 Internet users age 13 and older surveyed online.
- 51% indicated that they watch video online at least once a month, 27% watch at least once a week and 5% watch video online daily.
- The largest segment of online video consumers, as one might expect, were broadband users (87%).
Most video viewing, according to the survey, happened at home and after work (57%), although a healthy segment viewed ads during the day, presumably at work (47%).
What was seen:
- 66% watched news clips
- 49% watched movie trailers
- Most viewing frequency was of sports clips, 48% watching at least once a week, and 11% watching daily.
Action taken:
The majority of respondents had positive impressions of the video they watched.
44% said they took action after viewing an ad (34% visited a Web site; 15% requested information and 14% visited an offline store to see product; 9% said they made a purchase as a result).
So what does this all mean?
More video is coming to content sites and more large advertisers will utilize video, both virally (or attempt to) and in TV-commercial style placements on high traffic sites.
As TV loses share to the internet€"especially among younger audiences€"expect to see more and more TV advertising migrate online. And expect the Internet to become more and more a visual (rather than text-based) environment. This obviously goes hand-in-hand with broadband penetration. This raises interesting possibilities for more directional and contextual advertising online than would be possible in a broadcast or cable environment.
We'll more fully explore these issues on the "Blurring the Picture: Cable TV, Video Search and Local Directional Media" panel on April 20.