PPCall Moving Faster than Expected
On the heels of the U.K. launch of PPCall by MIVA (using Ingenio's system), Netimperative reports that there are two other companies offering or about to offer PPCall in the U.K.
The Kelsey Group also knows of a major U.S. Internet Yellow Pages publisher that is about to offer PPCall to its online advertisers. These developments (plus other conversations I've had) suggest that the market for Internet-driven calls will develop more rapidly than the several years it took for pay-per-click to build momentum.
The Kelsey Group projected in a recent report that call revenues could range from $1.4 billion to as much as $4 billion (highly aggressive at the high end) by 2009, depending on sales channel development and market penetration.
The wide range is based on the early stage of the product and the current absence of much real-world data on PPCall.