New Palore Data Can Help Sales Teams Catch the Big Fish

The latest nugget of data has been released from the folks at Palore. This set shows the monthly ad spends from a sample of 6,000 advertisers in San Francisco and New York within the Yellow Pages headings of beauty & fitness, landscapers, photographers and limousine services.

This is an interesting glimpse but is one of many possible mashups and begs additional drill downs. Such is the nature of Palore’s model — more granular data sets come with custom jobs, which are the company’s bread and butter.

This type of information has proved valuable to some of Palore’s top clients — those that want to pre-qualify sales leads. Using data like these, for example, local ad sales teams can prioritize the most qualified leads for a higher-end product, like video. Those in the higher spending ranges are obviously the big fish to go after first.

Obtaining a quantitative analysis while also finding out exactly what spectrum of ad products are being bought by a specific advertiser can be equally valuable for sales research. Of course that level of specificity, down to the individual advertiser level, falls into Palore’s paid research offering.

To do this it basically scrapes major IYP and local search sites to see what companies have what premium placement or paid advertising of any kind. From there it’s a matter of applying that to the known costs of those placements to deduce what the spending level is for each advertiser.

Finding out exactly which advertisers are spending how much on what seems to be a powerful tool for sales research, which can either augment or replace methods already in use by local direct sales organizations.

This also seems to apply to lots of areas of online advertising. Ad networks, for example, could see who is advertising, and how much, within competing networks. The end game after all is essentially poaching advertisers. And with large ad networks and national brand advertisers, the stakes are much higher.

Mike Boland

Mike Boland is an analyst with the Kelsey Group.

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