Reuters Inks Distribution Deal with AOL's Singingfish

From the AOL press release:

Reuters and AOL's Singingfish announced today that the industry-leading Singingfish video and audio search engine will have access to Reuters extensive video content. Hundreds of breaking and archived news clips produced by Reuters global news network will now be easily accessible via the multimedia search engine.

This and other deals recently announced show how fast the online video arena is developing and how competitive it's becoming.

It's basically a mirror of the so-called "Search Wars" (cue the music), with the current exception of MSN and the addition of blinkx on this front.

One of the more interesting panels (in my view) at our recent Drilling Down on Local conference was "Blurring the Picture: Cable TV, Video Search and Local Directional Media."

See Tony Gentile€™s write-up of the panel.

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