What’s Your Brand’s Facebook Page Strategy?

I was checking out various local search players’ Facebook pages and I thought it would be helpful to compare some of these pages with some non-local brands’ FB pages:


How can you not like Britney?

Picture 11

I like the graphic but if this is your first visit to Superpages’ FB page, it’s a little unclear brand-wise what’s going on.
RedBull1 (1)

Subtlety is everything…

Picture 10

Clear calls to action.


It’s what you don’t see that makes it interesting.

Picture 12

We don’t need no stinking cool Facebook Page.


I like this as an application for a local site. Imagine those pinpoints are restaurants, fans, etc.

Picture 13

Nothing fancy — just real conversations with customers.

What’s your Facebook strategy?  Is your Facebook page engaging or is it just the bare minimum you can do?

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Simon Baptist

    At European Directories we are in the process of putting in place Brand best practice for our Pages.

    At the moment, I think Herold in Austria is leading the way for us http://www.facebook.com/derherold and Zlate Stranky in Czech Republic has been great in Like acquisition http://www.facebook.com/zlatestranky.cz

  2. Gina

    So many local businesses have facebook pages but don’t do anything to make the engaging. These are great examples for them to pull ideas from. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Andrew Shotland

    Simon, that Der Herold Facebook Page is a classic

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